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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

Publisher/date: Arthur A. Levine Books; Illustrated edition (October 6, 2015)

Genre: Children's Fantasy

Rating: MG*

"Harry, yer a wizard."

This is only my second read of Harry Potter. I read them as they started coming out in the US 1998. It's one of those series that I never re-read because I was terrified that it would ruin the magic, that I wouldn't love it as much as I did the first time around.

But my kids are old enough now to read them, and when the illustrated versions came out, I decided it was time to pick one up for a bedtime story.

And I have to say, it's even more fun this time, watching their faces in awe of flying on brooms and dragon eggs and three-headed giant dogs named Fluffy.

In addition, it's so interesting to know what's going to happen and watch as J.K. drops hints to what's really going on and seeing how Harry and Hermione and Ron follow breadcrumbs to the wrong conclusions. The first time was like a puzzle without the picture, watching it come to life, but this time, knowing what the picture will be in the end, I get to watch as each piece of plot drops perfectly into place. It's a different experience, but still an amazing one.

And my kids. They adore it. Even the three-year old, who calls it "Harry Cotter," listens avidly and wants me to stop so he can "ooo and ahhh" over each gorgeously detailed illustration.

My only regret is that Minalima is now coming out with Harry Potter books, and I don't know if I'll like those better or these!

5 stars, because duh.

*I've heard some parents concern that with themes of death and magic that they are afraid the books are too mature for their kids. While each parent has to judge that for themselves, I found the books to be less "scary" than the movies that picture Voldemort as quite a terrifying figure. My 6 and 7 year olds handled the concepts well.

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